You just have to 'scuse me while I go off and pee meself laughing for a sec.. Hey hey now I'm done. I can get back to this most serious of serious crucial business here! Well its not every day that this old dude gets to write something in his little old sneakers blog with such obvious artistic and aesthetic value, didn't ya know!

To emphasize this li'l old piece of literary masterfulness, I posted a descriptively excellent pic here that sorta shows what I mean by what I say. I kinda went a little over the top with the color and stuff in Fireworks but I thought purple on a green deck looked kinda surreal an' all! Hey, what d'ya think? Extremely cool or has the old guy gone completely gaga and he's just waiting for the men in the white coats to come get him an' haul his ass off to the crazy farm... hehe, don't you just love to be able to write whatever mental mush is swirlin' around in you brain and you can still publish it?
Man, that's probably what these fashionable artists do when they create their masterpieces out of old, unmade beds and whatever they had for that midnight snack last night... I can just imagine how it goes: "Hey, quick man phone the Tate, I just created a $4 million masterpiece here and I gotta sell it to some whacked out dude with deep pockets before the pizza starts growing mold on it!"
Haha, don't you just love it. I'd laugh some more except that sorta thing is a little too close to the cold hard truth. And no one likes to hear THAT!
So that's the meat and potatoes of this little old post for today on this veritable font of sneakers knowledge and information! And I believe I did a real good job of refraining from sayin' that you kinda need to wear Vans shoes on your feet...
Laters dudes and dudesses...